Change of director and cast member
It is with regret that Chris Winstanley has announced he has made the decision to step down as director of Whose Life is it Anyway? Due to personal and business reasons he is unable to give his usual full commitment to the production.
For the same reason, Melanie Winstanley has decided not to take the part of Sister Anderson in the show.
The excellent news is that Paul Kloegman has offered to take over as director. He has a vast amount of experience and has directed many other productions.
The part of Sister Anderson will be re-auditioned on Thursday September 6 at 6.30pm, prior to rehearsal at 7.30pm, at Lagoa Bombeiros.
We hope that many of our female actors will come along to this audition. See below a brief note with regard to this character.
Sister Anderson 30 to 60: a ward sister
A career nurse who has dedicated her life to patient care. She is very professional and sees both sides of an argument, which is the core of the play, and wants the best for Claire. She runs her acute care ward with maximum efficiency and minimum fuss.
If you would like more information regarding the production, or the part of Sister Anderson, prior to the audition please feel free to call either Chris Whinstanley on 919 198 840 or Paul on 912 616 133. Alternatively email them at