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Membership Application

* Family Membership: Includes two children between 10-18 years old.
* Membership Paid by : .Bank Transfer. Millennium BCP Bank Details: Os Acting Algarvios AngloLuso Associação Teatro Experimental IBAN: PT50-0033-0000-4569-1894-718-05 BIC/SWIFT: BCOMPTPL PLEASE QUOTE YOUE NAME AND MEMBERSHIP FEE AS REFERENCE
ACCIDENT LIABILITY WAIVER: I, understand that if I carry out any work or occupation on behalf of The Algarveans Theatre Group (The Algarveans), either in a theatre, workshop or elsewhere, I do so at my own risk and in the knowledge that if I were to suffer any accident, even fatal, neither I, nor my dependents, nor beneficiaries have any claim against the aforementioned society nor any officer of that society. I realise that if I do not cover myself through a personal accident insurance, that I will be personally responsible for any medical or other expenses consequential to an accident. (For a child under 18, Parent or Guardian must sign AND complete below name of child you are signing for). Please return to / Favor devolver à Karen Morris-Marks – Membership Secretary / Secretária Email:, Tel: 969 794 982